Tuesday, January 1, 2008

long lines in ps output

In Solaris, the ps output is truncated, so if you have a command with many long parameters, you will not see them all.

If you are interested to see the parameters of a java program, /usr/bin/ps -ef will not give you the expected output

$ ps -ef | grep java
ldapusr 10744 10692 0 09:50:23 ? 0:09
/var/opt/mps/oracle/oid/jdk/bin/java -server -Djava

So you could use /usr/ucb/ps awwx to get the long line

$ /usr/ucb/ps awwx  | grep java
10744 ? S 0:09 /var/opt/mps/oracle/oid/jdk/bin/
java -server -Djava.security.policy=/var/opt/mps/oracle/
oid/j2ee/oca/config/java2.policy -Djava.awt.headless=tru
e -Xmx256M -Djava.awt.headless=true -Doracle.ons.oracleh
ome=/var/opt/mps/oracle/oid -DIASHOST=novgaasdv01 -java.
/oracle/oid/oca/lib -DORACLE_HOME=/var/opt/mps/oracle/oi
d -Doracle.home=/var/opt/mps/oracle/oid -Doracle.ons.ora
clehome=/var/opt/mps/oracle/oid -Doracle.home=/var/opt/m
ps/oracle/oid -Doracle.ons.oracleconfighome=/var/opt/mps
/oracle/oid -Doracle.ons.clustername=C_160.
7189.1119d9146e1.-8000 -Doracle.ons.instancename=oid1014
.novgaasdv01 -Dopmn.compatible=904 -Doracle.ons.indexid=
oca.default_island.1 -Doracle.ons.uid=120848407 -Doracle
.oc4j.instancename=oca -Doracle.oc4j.islandname=default_
island -DOPMN=true -jar oc4j.jar -config /var/opt/mps/or
acle/oid/j2ee/oca/config/server.xml -properties -propert
ies -ports ajp:12502,rmi:12402,jms:12602

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