Lets start with a working example of bulk collect into records.
SQL> create table T ( c1 number, c2 number );
Table created.
SQL> declare
2 type r is record (
3 x number,
4 y number );
6 type rt is table of r;
8 d rt;
10 begin
11 select rownum, rownum
12 bulk collect into d
13 from all_Objects
14 where rownum <= 20;
16 forall i in 1 .. 20
17 insert into T values d(i);
19 end;
20 /
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
But what if table T has three columns, and we wanted to add the constant value "10" when we insert. Then we have problems because it would look like this:
SQL> declare
2 type r is record (
3 x number,
4 y number );
6 type rt is table of r;
8 d rt;
10 begin
11 select rownum, rownum
12 bulk collect into d
13 from all_Objects
14 where rownum <= 20;
16 forall i in 1 .. 20
17 insert into T values ( d(i).x, d(i).y, 10);
19 end;
20 /
insert into T values ( d(i).x, d(i).y, 10);
ERROR at line 17:
ORA-06550: line 17, column 28:
PLS-00436: implementation restriction: cannot reference .... etc
However, what we CAN do is use objects and then apply SQL to them. All we need is some objects to mimic our PLSQL types
SQL> create or replace type r is object ( x number, y number );
2 /
Type created.
SQL> create or replace type rt is table of r;
2 /
Type created.
SQL> declare
2 d rt; -- this is now pointing to a database definition not a plsql definition
4 begin
5 select r(rownum, rownum)
6 bulk collect into d
7 from all_Objects
8 where rownum <= 20;
10 insert into T
11 select x,y,10
12 from table(d);
14 end;
15 /
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
1 comment:
Bulk collect is very well described in this post. The code for the same is given. The code is lengthy but its simple. You can easily understand it. Those who are familiar with the coding can easily grasp it. This is perfect example for bulk collect on records.
sap testing tools
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